Now I lay me down to rest: A Controlled Burn

A ceramic skeletal figure comprised mainly of flora and fauna from Southern California. The skeleton is displayed on a handmade quilt that is embroidered with twine.

The ceramic skeleton is both a sculpture in its own right and an artifact from a pit-fire desert performance in November 2022 on the Landmarks of Art Initiative land in Anza Borrego. 

This piece is both environmental and very personal to me.

In a historical scope, the practice of controlled burning has existed in indigenous communities in California for a very long time, however, it was outlawed by the US government in the 1850s. Controlled or prescribed burns were reintroduced/re-allowed by the Parks Services in the 1970s. This practice was and is integral to forest stewardship, and it is a process where humans can contribute positively to ecological systems. By intentionally burning and clearing underbrush and dead foliage, the health and longevity of forests and the landscape are improved, as these burns help to prevent the catastrophic forest fires we have seen recently in California.

Simultaneously, this practice of clearing and releasing the old, dry, dead growth resonated with me deeply on a psychological level. I find myself constantly being reminded to let go. Like a controlled burn, I learn to practice releasing old thought processes that no longer serve me. Doing so allows for new growth, joy, and  space to exist presently. I am thankful to have access to these spaces. Nature is a beautiful teacher.
